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rules in changing active sentences to passive sentences

Before changing active sentences to passive sentences, there are things that we need to understand, they are as follows:
  1. The OBJECT of active sentences becomes the SUBJECT of passive sentences and Subject of active sentences become Object of passive sentences.
  2. There are some verbs that can be used in passive sentences, they are appear, cry, go, come, die, arrive, happen, occur, rain, sleep, stay, and walk. All these verbs are called intransitive verbs.
  3. The passive verbs always have the auxiliary verb BE and the form of BE in passive sentence corresponds to the form of main verb in the active sentences. For example, if the form of main verb in active sentence is Present Simple Tense, the auxiliary verbs in passive sentence is AM/IS/ARE.
  4. The main verb in a passivesentence is always the participle form of the verb.


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