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Passive sentences of Future Tense

Previous Passive Sentence: Present Continuous Tense

Form  of Active Sentence:
Subject + WILL + Based Form of Verb + Object + Adverb of time.

  1. I will join TOEFL Test next week.
  2. My sister will cook fried chicken tonight.
  3. The students will discuss business idioms after break.
  4. Will you buy book about types of Text.
  5. Will the President announce the good news?
Form of Passive Sentence:

Subject + WILL + Be + Verb 3 (past participle)

  1. TOEFL Test will be joined by me next week.
  2. Fried Chicken will be cooked by your sister tonight.
  3. Business idioms will be discussed by the students about break.
  4. Will book about types of text be bought by me?
  5. Will the good news be announced by President.

    Passive sentences of Past Continuous Tense

    Previous Passive Sentences: Present Continuous Tense

    Form of Active Sentences:

    Subject  +  Was/Were +  Verb-Ing + Object

    • I was watching TV at 7 o'clock last night.
    • Jacky was finishing his TOEFL Practice Test.
    • They were making drafts of business english letter when lunch time came yesterday.
    • Were the students playing games around 4 P.M today?
    • My mother was frying some beef when I arrive at home last night?