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How to change active senteces to passive sentences

To change active sentences to passive sentences is not difficult. The first things we should know is how to change tenses of active into tenses of passive. If we know to change them, we will change the sentences easily.

 Remember that the basic form of Passive Sentence is


 Below is complete change from active sentences to passive sentences:

   Tenses                                                  Active Sentence                                              Passive Sentences

1. Present Simple Tense              Subject + VERB1 + Object                          Subject + am/is/are + Past participle
2. Present Continuous Tense     Subject + am/is/are + V-ing + Object        Subject + am/is/are + being + Past Participle
3. Simple Past Tense                    Subject + VERB 2 + Object                        Subject + was/were + Past Participle
4. Present Perfect Tense              Subject + has/have+ Verb3 + Object       Subject + has/have + been + Past Participle
5. Past Continuous Tense           Subject + was/were+ Verb-ing + Object  Subject + was/were + being + past participle
6. Present Perfect Cont. Tense   Subject + has/have+been+V-ing + O       Subject + has/have + been + being + Past Participle
7. Past Perfect Tense                   Subject + had + Past Participle + O          Subject +had + been + Past Participle 
8. Past Perfect Cont. Tense        Subject + had + been +V-ing + O              Subject + had + been + being + past participle
9. Future Tense                            Subject + Will + Verb 1 + Object               Subject + will + be + Past Participle
10. Future Continuous Tense    Subject + will + be + V-ing + O                  Subject + will + be + being + Past participle
11. Future Perfect Tense             Subject + will + have + Past Participle     Subject + will + have + been + past participle
12. Future Perfect Cont.Tense   Subject + will + have + been+ V-ing         Subject + will + have + been +being+ past participle 


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